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Como actualizar los sistemas de altavoces Music Flow?

Solución de problemas

Como actualizar los sistemas de altavoces Music Flow?



symptom Sintoma


         ■ Volumen fluctuante  o encendido y apagado intermitente cuando hay conexión por óptica con TV.


check point Punto de chequeo.


        1.Instalar  en su Smart Phone la aplicación de Music Flow del Play Store o iTunes Store.

          2.Conectar el altavoz a su Network por conexión de cable LAN o  Wi Fi.
           Para hacer esta conexión consulte el manual de usuario.



how to fix How to fix


       ■ Applied models: LAS650M / LAS750M / LAS950M


         ※ Method 1



              1. Run the app on smartphone               2. A pop up will appear for an update.
                                                                                       Click OK.



             method 1-2

              3. To update speakers, click                  4. Software will be downloaded
                     update icon to start.



                 method 1-3
5. Update will start after                         6. When update is complete, 
                     download is complete.                           speakers will restart automatically.

                     Once it starts, update                             Press OK to exit the update page.

                     cannot be canceled.


           ※ Method 2

             method 2-1

              1. Run Music Flow Player on               2. Tab Version Info to check 

                     smart phone. Go to settings                software version. 
                     to check version information.



             method 2-2

              3. To update speakers, click                  4. Software will be downloaded
                     update icon to start.



                 method 2-3
5. Update will start after                         6. When update is complete, 
                     download is complete.                           speakers will restart automatically.

                     Once it starts, update                             Press OK to exit the update page.

                     cannot be canceled.





*Pregunta requerida