LG Call For Unity to overcome the Global Challenge

CORPORATE 04/24/2020
LG Electronics (LG) sends society at the regional level an encouraging message during the days of social distancing.

Soon Jae Heo, President of LG Electronics for Panama, Central America and the Caribbean, called on all sectors to unite in order to overcome the common challenge.

“Our countries live challenging moments and all humanity faces unexpected challenges. In times like these we must unite and focus all our efforts to get ahead together. Staying together now and with a vision for the future will allow us to meet again with renewed spirit and with the purpose of continuing to innovate to build a better life.”

The president of LG Electronics for Panama, Central America and the Caribbean, highlighted the company's focus as a global technological power inspired by people, around whom all its corporate activities revolve.

LG is aware of the importance of its products to keep the family together while being refuge at home, with state-of-the-art entertainment options, products that help simplify day-to-day tasks, and maintain hygiene and health now that most people spend more time at home.

"All our innovations and all the products we create focus precisely on offering our consumers the tools to have a better life and to give them more time to enjoy what really matters at this very moment, such as being healthy and with their families at home," Heo commented, while inviting everyone to follow the recommendations of the health authorities of their country.

LG extends its hand to its users, reaffirming its commitment to be part of all their moments and to accompany them so that they can overcome the exceptional times they live in the region. The company will continue serving through their electronic channels for Customer Service in this time of social distancing. Users can access the portal www.lg.com/cac/soporte for Central America and www.lg.com/ec/soporte for Ecuador, where they will have access to trained personnel and engineers from the technology giant. As a complementary way, the company has also launched the helpline 800-5454.

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