What is 32 bit Hi-Fi DAC?
A separate audio chip and amplifier work together to ensure all audio is played at a
higher resolution, so you can enjoy high definition audio.
※ Disclaimer : Corded headphones required for to experience the benefits of this feature.
How to use
Connect your favorite corded headphones. Turn Hi-Fi DAC option on from Quick Settings or
Sound & notifications menu. Enjoy a more natural sound and a wider dynamic range. The
sound has been automatically adjust to the connected audio device.
• 32bit DAC (Up bit & sampling all audio up to 64x sampling rate)
• Works only with wired headphones/connections
• Part Number: ESS SABRE9018 DAC & Headphone Amp
• Noise reduction: SNR118dB
• Output level: 2Vrms
• Volume stages: 75 fine volume stage (compared to 15 volume stage) ? similar to high end DAC
• Auto low/high level volume gain control ? automatically detects ohms for
headphones (high or low)
• Hi-Fi On/Off options :
• Balance Controls
For Quick Settings. Scroll all the way right and tap Edit to add this option if not
available. Tap to enable, press and hold Hi-Fi DAC to open the settings menu.