■ Title
- how often should I recharge the gas? , I think it is time for a recharge.
■ Problem
- Cooling
■ Symptom
- Request on gas recharge
■ Possible Cause
▶ Guidance
- The refrigerant of the air conditioner is circulating gas, not consumable.
When the indoor unit and the outdoor unit are connected through a connecting pipe, it needs to be sealed when installed so that the refrigerant(gas) is not leaked
Thus, the refrigerant doesn't need to be recharged on a regular basis unless there is a micro -leak or leak from the connecting area.
▶ Soultion or Settings
- The air conditioner has enough refrigerant if :
When the appliance is set to cooling mode with its desired temperature set to 18 ℃.
And the cold air is discharged and if dew forms on the large pipe of the outdoor unit side as it gets cold.
- It would be normal when dew forms on the large pipe of the outdoor unit side as it gets cold.
■ Summary
- The refrigerant of the air conditioner is circulating gas, not consumable.
When the indoor unit and the outdoor unit are connected through a connecting pipe, it needs to be sealed when installed so that the refrigerant(gas) is not leaked
Thus, the refrigerant doesn't need to be recharged on a regular basis unless there is a micro-leak or leak from the connecting area.
- The End -