The woman is outside adjusting the air conditioner in the house with her cell phone.

Discover Smart Appliances with LG ThinQ

ThinQ technology enables smart home connectivity over Wi-Fi

Recommended features from your home assistant

Connect and Control from anywhere

The LG ThinQ app allows you to easily connect with your appliance in a way you never could before. Even when you are outside, you can operate the appliance remotely

Simple Control with Voice Assistant

Tell your appliance exactly what you need by just saying it out, and the AI speaker will listen and check the cycle to let you know

Efficient Product Maintenance

Through the LG ThinQ app, check on your appliance, download new cycles, monitor cycle usage, and much more.

Qr code and cell phone

Get going with ThinQ

Manage all your devices from one place whether from home, on the go, or lounging by the beach. Press the plus button to see how you can install the app.

There is a cell phone on the round floor in the beige background and there is an image of home appliances in six round circles with the cell phone in the center

How to install the LG ThinQ app

Step 1. ThinQ app download
Search for the LG ThinQ application from the Google Play or Apple App Store on a smart phone.

Step 2. Log-in
Log in with your LG account if you have one.

Step 3. Add a device
You made it to LG ThinQ app’s main page! Now time to connect your LG device(s).

Step 4. Select a device
Select which device you want to connect to.

Step 5. Go ahead!
Access your device(s) using the ThinQ app.

The process of installing the LG ThinQ app is explained in order on the six cell phone screens

Optional AI Speaker Connection - Connect Google Home

1. Open Google Home app and press ‘Add’.
2. Touch + to add your appliances.
3. Search LG ThinQ & Log in with ThinQ account.

Connect Google Home

Optional AI Speaker Connection - Connect Amazon Alexa

1. Open Amazon Alexa app and go to menu.
2. Press “Skills & Games”.
3. Search LG ThinQ & Log in with ThinQ account.

Connect Amazon Alexa

One-Stop Easy Registration

How to register your device with the QR code

Step 1. Click or tap “+ Add a device”
Step 2. Select “Scan QR” from the options
Step 3. Scan the QR code on your device
Step 4. The device is now registered
* Models without QR can be registered manually by entering the serial number

*QR quick scan can be used on Wi-Fi enabled products produced from Jan 2022 onwards.

LG ThinQ QR Code Location


Press the plus button for answers to popular questions.


There's a search box on the marked with

Q. How do I add a product on the LG ThinQ app?

Add products to the ThinQ app using the Add feature.

1. On the home screen, tap "+ Add a device" > "Select Device"
Press the Add a device button on the Home screen and touch Select Device.
2. Select the product from the product list.
Then, proceed by following the instructions. Select the product icon.



*The screen shown on the instructions may differ from that displayed on the actual app. The availability of products and services may vary depending on the models you own, the region/country you reside in, or the app and product versions.


Q. While trying to add an air conditioner, a message says the “LG_AC_~~~” network password is incorrect

For the network name "LG_AC_XXXX", enter the last four characters “XXXX” of the network name two times without a space in the password field.
Passwords are case sensitive, so please try again entering upper and lowercase letters exactly.
Screen for entering the Wi-Fi password.



*Note that for iPhones, a feature that automatically capitalizes the first letter of an input or the first word after a period may be ON.
*The screen shown on the instructions may differ from that displayed on the actual app. The availability of products and services may vary depending on the models you own, the region/country you reside in, or the app and product versions.


Q. While trying to add a product, I am getting a router image with a message that says "No Network Connection"

- Before adding a product to ThinQ, make sure your smartphone is properly connected to the internet.
If you continue to have problems connecting to the internet, check the connection of your router.
- This message may occur if the router is too far away. If you can't move or come in closer proximity to the router, please install the Wi-Fi amplifier and try again.
- Try again after unplugging or resetting the router.




*If you are unable to proceed to the next step of adding your product, close the app and run it again.
*The screen shown on the instructions may differ from that displayed on the actual app. The availability of products and services may vary depending on the models you own, the region/country you reside in, or the app and product versions.


LG ThinQ products for you

LG ThinQ-compatible appliances are designed to fit your exact needs and enhance your day-to-day living.

Browse below for LG ThinQ products that’ll upgrade your life.

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  • Bước 1
    Chọn sản phẩm muốn mua cho vào giỏ hàng sau đó lựa chọn hình thức thanh toán trả góp.
  • Bước 2
    Quý khách lựa chọn ngân hàng, loại thẻ và kỳ hạn thanh toán trả góp. Số tiền cố định phải trả hàng tháng sẽ được hiển thị. Sau đó quý khách sẽ được điều hướng sang cổng thanh toán để nhập thông tin thẻ và sang trang của Ngân hàng phát hành thẻ để nhập OTP. Thẻ tín dụng của quý khách sẽ được trừ số tiền tương ứng với giá trị sản phẩm mua trả góp.
  • Bước 3
    Sau khi thanh toán thành công hệ thống sẽ gửi email xác nhận về địa chỉ email của quý khách.
Quy định chung:
  • Thời gian trả góp: 3, 6, 9 và 12 tháng.

  • Danh sách ngân hàng áp dụng hình thức trả góp: Sacombank, VPBank, Shinhan Bank, Techcombank, Eximbank, VIB, Citibank, Seabank, HSBC, TPbank, SCB, Standard Chartered, Maritime Bank, Nam A, Kien Long Bank, OCB, SHB, VCB, Vietinbank, BIDV, MBBank, Vietcapital Bank, ACB, Homecredit, PVCombank, HDBank, Lienvietpostbank.

  • Hiệu lực còn lại của thẻ phải lớn hơn kì hạn trả góp.

  • Đảm bảo hạn mức thẻ tín dụng của quý khách lớn hơn hoặc bằng số tiền trả góp.

  • Ngân hàng tự chuyển đổi thành giao dịch trả góp, trong quá trình chuyển đổi ngân hàng có thể liên hệ chủ thẻ để xác nhận thêm thông tin, do đó chủ thẻ vui lòng nghe máy để ngân hàng có thể hoàn thành thủ tục chuyển đổi trả góp. Sau khi giao dịch chuyển đổi trả góp thành công, khoản tiền phải trả hàng tháng sẽ được lên sao kê. Quý khách cần thanh toán số tiền này cho Ngân hàng phát hành thẻ.

  • Không giới hạn số lần mua trả góp.

  • Về việc hủy đơn hàng đã giao dịch thanh toán trả góp: Quý khách sẽ không mất phí khi hủy đơn hàng trong vòng 2 ngày (48 tiếng) kể từ khi giao dịch mua hàng thành công. Sau thời gian này nếu hủy đơn hàng quý khách sẽ phải chịu phí chuyển đổi trả góp là 3% trên giá trị đơn hàng trả góp.

  • Nếu có bất kỳ vấn đề gì thắc mắc liên quan dịch vụ trả góp, vui lòng liên hệ hotline OBS LG số 18001590