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What are differences between drying methods?


What are differences between drying methods?




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       ■ A dish dryer is designed to dry dishes with a hot air or hot plate heating method.

          Its drying performance is comparably stronger as it focuses on drying for 1-2 hours.

          It can be likened to turning on a hair dryer for 1-2 hours.


         On the other hand, a dish washer focuses on washing dishes.

         As it uses an indirect drying method of releasing steam with a drying fan after a hot water washing,
         drying may be weaker when compared to a dish dryer.


     ■ To dry, a dish washer heats up water to remove water on dishes. 
        A rinse aid helps to reduce surface tension on dishes, minimizing water on the surface.

        Use of the rinse aid can affect the drying performance twice as much.

        How dishes are loaded can also
affect drying. For an example, water pooled in bowls may not be dried completely.
        Please refer to a user’s manual for loading.



    ■ Please leave a door open after a drying cycle to let out humid air.


    ■ For better drying performance:


       ① (For 12 people) Please use a dish washer rinse aid. If water still remains on dishes,

            adjust a rinse aid lever to level 4 to increase amount of the rinse aid dispensed for better drying performance. 
            (Level 3 at default) Try dual control, soak or sterilization for better drying.


       ② (For 6 people) Hot air drying can be added as an additional feature.


       ③ (For all) Please leave a door open after a drying cycle to let out humid air.


              a graph of differences in methods


             differences in rinse-aid








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