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    [LG Air-Conditioner Error Codes] Checking code CH53
    Error CH05 may take place by abnormal communication between the indoor unit andthe outdoor unit.How to check error codeThe first LED indicates error at 1’s digit.The second LED indicates error at 10’s digit.Ex) After the second LED blinks 3...
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    Why has cooling weakened?
    Why has cooling weakened? Symptom Cooling weakens. What should I do?Checkpoint Gas charging is not required as long as the air conditioner blowscold air, as the refrigerant gas circulates in thesystem thus used semi-permanently. How to chec...
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    [LG Air Conditioner Error Code][Wall-Mounted] CH and 61 alternatively blink on the display
    [Cooling] Inspection code of error CH 61 can be displayed to protect the productwhen the temperature of the evaporator of the outdoor unit rises high.[Heating] Error code CH61 may appear if the temperature inside the indoor unitrises high b...
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    Automatic Defrosting with an Outdoor Unit
    Automatic Defrosting with an Outdoor Unit Symptom - No warm air but gas fumes from an outdoor unit during heating. Cause 1. Frost builds up on an heat exchanger in an outdoor unit if outdoortemperature is low and humidity is high. 2. Frost ...
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    [LG air conditioner leakage] [Heating] There is a water leak from the outdoor unit. Smoke comes up
    As opposed to cooling operation, during heating operation, the indoor unitgenerates hot wind and the outdoor unit generates cold wind.During heating operation, moisture from the air adheres to the cooled evaporatorof the outdoor unit, thus ...
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    [LG Air Conditioner Louver] The louver (the outlet vent) does not open
    Does the louver not open?Causes and Symptoms------------------- * The outlet vent louver does not open.Try this--------Is the product used in the cooling mode?➔ Wait until the product is preheated.It is required to wait until the pipe is pr...
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