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Upgrade Hospitality with LG
Chicago Business Showroom
Chicago Business Showroom
Chicago Business Showroom
LG’s CLOi ServeBot
Why Choose CLOi ServeBot
Animation description : Introducing CLOi ServeBot
Animation description : Introducing CLOi ServeBot
Animation description : CLOi Guidebot
Animation description : CLOi Guidebot
Case Study: Arirang K
Read the case study of Arirang K: where ServeBots bring a futuristic dining experience while supporting busy wait staff, representing the “future of food service”
Food & Beverage Product of the Year
CLOi ServeBot 3.0 wins the Food & Beverage Editor’s Top Pick: 2023 Products of the Year. Read the write up here.
Invention of 2022
Read about how LG’s swift & reliable serving specialist dazzled TIME and earned a spot on the list.
Find LG’s CLOi GuideBot featured in the LG LOOKBOOK: Fitness.