SuperSign QSR

LG's SuperSign QSR Solutions make it easier to run a fast-service restaurant. Update prices and other crucial information on your digital board in real-time. Find out more about how the LG SuperSign QSR can help your business below.

SuperSign QSR

SuperSign QSR

Mobile signage contents management software helps you edit & make a schedule and distribute the content via mobile with amazingly convenient service.


SuperSign M is Mobile signage contents management software.
Basic functions : Editing, making a schedule and distributing the content via mobile

Content Management Software by Mobile

Total CMS Features and simple editor also included

· Content: Create image content and playlist

· Schedule: Set and modify content scheduling

· Player: Monitoring by captured image and simple controlling

· Distribution: Distribute content

· Message: Send emergency message

Connection Method

The licensed server SW should be installed for activating SuperSign M

Supporting Mobile Spec.

Portrait UI only, Landscape will be supported `16

* iPad not support

Sliding Menu

Provides the user profile and menu tree for other tabs

· Dashboard : Check Approval and Error Status

· Content : Create image content and check content list

· Schedule : Create schedule and check schedule list

· Player : Check connected players and control them

· User : Check joined members (Workgroup, Role..)

· Distribution : Set the distribution (Standard, Videowall… )

· Message : Create emergency message

· Setting : Setting menu for mobile application


Main feature of Dashboard is to check and proceed the pending approval list. Also, checking for the error status of connected displays.

· Approval Status : Check Approval and Error Status

· Error Status : Immediately error monitoring and controlling


A simple Image content is able to created by SuperSign M editor. Easy & simple UI like as SNS photo uploading style.


Google calendar style UI helps you out to create the scheduled content immediately.


Connected display status can be checked on this page, monitoring and simple controlling also supported .


Manage the distribution list on this page. Videowall content can be also distributed by mobile.


For the urgent situation or a spot promotion, message function is useful.

SuperSign M Tutorial Guide

SuperSign M Tutorial Guide

SuperSign M provides you a quick and easy solution to manage Content, Schedule, Player and Distridution.