Interview with Cody Simpson

“For me, a good life is
a sense of
every day.“

From a Swimmer to a
Singer and Back

When I finally decided to take on the challenge
of pursuing one of the most difficult and
demanding sports to train for,
I was very aware
of the sacrifice and dedication it would take to
make it back to swimming. But I had been
feeling the fire
and desire to return to it for a
while. I want to live with no regrets, so I
thought I would at least give it my all and see
where I land.

“The driving force for me
the fear of never reaching
my fullest potential.”

Overcoming Challenges:
When you keep the
“why” in mind,
you can endure almost
any “how.”

The Good Life: How I relate

LG is all about pushing boundaries with a
positive and optimistic
attitude. I believe that’s
the key to success in any endeavor.
I always try
to approach life with this attitude, so I was very
excited to work with LG, a brand that shares
values similar to
those I hold dearly.

The better life: How I use LG

I particularly love the LG StanbyME, because
I can move it around
and use it wherever I want,
for whatever I need. LG’s products help
me to
be better at not only work, but also with life.

“A Brave Optimist
— this phrase resonates
with me.”

What if it doesn’t work out?

I'm not going to lie, it's not going to be easy.
Challenges often involve more work and pain
than we think.
However, its the obstacles that
help us grow. Every setback you encounter is
going to help you develop
a stronger mental
grit for your next challenge. Keep one eye on
the end goal and one eye on the work.

Life's Good when

I’m watching the sunset or the sunrise.
I play the guitar or write a new song.
I finish a hard swimming session, and
when I’m feeling that sense of accomplishment.
I love what I do, and I’m lucky to do what I love.

What is your ultimate
"Good Life"?

The best type of life is one based on
helping others and lifting others up.
Inspiring others to be their best selves.
You'll be making every day better
yourself, your family, and your friends.

Take a leap of faith

It is okay to change your path, try something
new, and take on a challenge different from
what people might expect of you.
It’s all up to
you. Many people doubted I could make it
successfully in swimming again,
but I believed
in myself enough to push through and ignore
the naysayers. Nothing is guaranteed in life,
and the only things you can control are your
focus, effort, and enthusiasm. Embrace
challenges and rise to the occasion.

It’s okay to start small

The worst mistake is to do nothing. If you start
small and gradually work upwards,
will build towards a compound effect — before
you know it, you would’ve made progress!