Brekkie Shakshuka Bowls


Cooking Instructions

Step 1
Lay 1 Lebanese bread on the ‘crisp tray' on the high rack. Use the GRILL COOKING FEATURE (see notes) to toast the lebanese bread for 8 minutes or until golden and crispy. Set aside. Repeat with remaining Lebanese bread.

Step 2
Place the oil, onion, capsicum, garlic and thick broccolini stems in a 2 litre (8 cup) microwave-safe dish. Cover and microwave on 100, stirring halfway, for 4-5 minutes or until vegetables are soft.

Step 3
Add cumin, coriander and chilli flakes to the vegetable mixture. Cover and microwave for a further 1 minute or until aromatic and onion has softened. Add tomato and remaining broccolini. Cover and microwave for 5 minutes or until heated through. Season well.

Step 4
Spoon hot tomato mixture into four 750ml (3 cup) shallow microwave-safe bowls. Make a shallow indent in center of the mixture. Crack 1 egg into tomato mixture of 1 bowl. Use a sharp knife to prick egg white several times and the yolk once (this prevents the egg bursting). Cover bowl loosely with paper towel (to avoid spills). Microwave on 100 for 2 1/2 - 3 minutes for soft yolks or until egg is cooked to your liking. Repeat with remaining tomato mixture and eggs.

Step 5
Sprinkled with coriander and chilli flakes. Crack crisp Lebanese breads to serve.

*Product images may differ from products released by the country.