Dishwasher Repair & Maintenance


Just like all home appliances, dishwasher repair along with troubleshooting and maintenance is necessary. Checking your dishwasher's health on a regular basis will help you avoid any complex issues at unpleasant times. Therefore, this guide will walk you through everything about repairing and maintaining dishwashers. 


Dishwasher Repair Tips & Hacks 

Make the Most of ThinQ App

Every smart LG home appliance can be connected to your phone through the ThinQ app, especially dishwashers. This application helps you maintain your LG dishwasher.


By sending you reminders to diagnose, maintain, or even repair it whenever it is needed.  
Another way is that you can request via ThinQ a diagnosis of the state of the dishwasher. 

In addition, you can customize your notifications and cycles.  You can share them with other LG ThinQ app users too! In short words, this application will truly make your maintenance life easier. 

Check the warranty 

Having a good manufacturer is key to worrying less about your dishwasher’s health. A good warranty protects you from any extra expenses. For instance, the LG dishwasher repair is included within its warranty. In addition, LG dishwashers, such as the LG QuadWash Steam Dishwasher made to perfection. They are known for their high quality, long lifespan and durability, which would not require much repair. As well, its Inverter Direct drive motor has a 10-year warranty that will ensure durability.

How to repair LG dishwasher is something all LG professionals are familiar with. So, when relying on these professionals you will get the best service possible. 


Regularly clean your dishwasher

It is important to understand how to clean your dishwasher properly. As it will prevent any other complex issues. This includes: 


  • Cleaning spray arms and preventing their blockage. 
  • Ensuring the dishwasher filter is clean and in good health.  
  • Run a cleaning cycle monthly. 
  • Use white vinegar to get rid of food residue. 


In addition, make sure you are using the right dishwasher detergents and cleaning products. As not all cleaning products are suitable for all dishwashers. For instance, you cannot use bleach on stainless steel dishwashers. As it will damage its interior. 


Load your dishwasher properly 

Understanding how to load your dishwasher properly is key to keeping it in good health. For example, if you put kitchenware in the way of spray arms, it might break it or stop its rotation.


Keep your dishwasher running 

In addition, leaving your dishwasher unused for extended periods of time will reduce its efficiency. When that happens, dishwasher parts may collect calcium deposits. This would negatively affect the rotation of washing arms as well as the filter’s drainage. 


Know the good maintenance people 

Knowing the good maintenance people near your area will save you a lot of trouble. Therefore, you must familiarise yourself with them. For instance, if you are looking up the dishwasher repair in your city, you will find multiple specialised professionals. Make sure to read the reviews from other customers to ensure these are trusted and reliable companies. 


Check the water supply and flow 

In some instances, the water supply might not be reaching the dishwasher properly. That might be a blockage happening to the water supply. If you feel like your dishwasher is not getting water properly, call a trusted plumber to figure out what is wrong. 


Make sure power outlets are in good shape 

Furthermore, when it comes to all home appliances, not just dishwashers, we must make sure that the power outlets and fuses are in good health. If you see exposed wires or breakings on the wire, you must call maintenance instantly. If that happens to your dishwasher's power plug it can be a big hazard. 


Keep an eye for leaks 

Having exposed wires is even more dangerous if there is a leakage going on. Thus, you must always check around your dishwasher for any leaked water. Remember, water leakage can damage appliances. As it can cause mould and mildew on the dishwasher itself as well as the floor and wall near it. 


In conclusion, all home appliances must be checked on a regular basis to make sure they are working as they should. When it comes to dishwasher repair and maintenance, there are many helping outlets to bring back your dishwasher to its best conditions.