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Healthy Changes Start at Home

Enjoy a homemade healthy meal, air out the house and add a light workout to your daily routine. Small changes at home are the first step to a healthier life.


LG Healthy Home Solutions

Small changes in your daily routine are just enough to build a healthy life accompanied by physical, mental, social, environmental health.

Little habits, such as preparing for healthy meals, regular tidying and airing out the house can freshen up your daily life. Healthier choices can add up and improve the quality of life.

Woman standing in the living room satisfied with a healthy environment

Wellness Crew

Meet LG wellness crew who are in a mindful movement for a healthier and sustainable lifestyle in various aspects of daily life. This small step towards #WellnessLiving is for beyond yourself but for us, our planet. Let’s make sustainable and healthy choices on a daily basis starting from your home.

Mindful Chef of Sustainable Restaurant

I eat a healthy menu that have local vegetables which I planted myself, ensuring that it is free from chemical and helps reducing carbon footprint. Start living wellness and plant our own vegetables.

Head Chef of Sustainable Restaurant

Working with food by using local produce and utilizing every ingredient is key to my wellness! My techniques include using waste in pickling, fermenting, and dehydrating to extend shelf life.

Eco-fashion & Environmental Advocate

My wellness is living in a harmony with the environment. I live in wellness from eco-friendly fashion being aware of the ecological damage that the textile industry causes on our planet.

Self-love Promoter & Fitness Influencer

Wake yourself up for the exercising to maintain a healthy lifestyle. My Living Wellness is happiness, we must have fun, not be too reluctant and be challenging enough to try and develop ourselves.

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Standard of Colour Gamut with Brighter Idea

LG UltraFine™ is the most advanced UHD monitor with P3, the standard of colour gamut, and 500 nits, supports sustained high brightness in any ambient lighting conditions, helping you to demonstrate your ideas most powerfully.

Fridge Freezer

Keep ingredients fresh and even longer for healthy and nutritious meals.
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InstaView Door-in-Door™

Get easy access with sleek InstaView Door-in-Door™.

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Care for What You Wear

Make sustainable choices in what you wear with LG Clothing Care Solutions.

Washing Machine

Wrap yourself in sanitized fabrics, softer sheets, and fresher outfits.


Dry your clothing and fabrics with LG Dryer, rain or shine.

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A hassle-free way to care for your clothes. Simply freshen up with the Styler.

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Care for Where You Live

After a long day, unwind by taking a deep breath of clean air managed by LG Air Solutions.

DUALCOOL Air Conditioner

Enjoy a cool breeze with energy savings.

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ARTCOOL Air Conditioner

Stay effortlessly cool with a stylish design.

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