Connected Home

Connected Home

Benefits of AI In Your Home

Technology continues to improve, making our lives more convenient. Smart technology in the home can give you more control. From reducing inefficiencies to improving your vantage point, home automation puts more power into your hands.

How do Smart Homes use AI?

Those who are on the cutting-edge are shifting to technologies that improve simple processes. You can use Artificial intelligence in the home for:

· Making purchases

· Controlling devices

· Monitoring for security

· Reducing appliance energy waste from appliances

· Improving sanitization

· Adjusting the home temperature

· Locking or unlocking doors

· Detecting problems and sending alerts

· Connecting to domestic robots

· Tracking supplies and inventory

· Monitoring energy use

It can seem intimidating at first to many homeowners when faced with these new technologies. Yet, more and more items are incorporating AI and efficiency into their designs.


Washing machines and dishwashers have energy efficiency settings to help reduce water waste. Smart wall outlets connect to apps that control energy usage — giving you the control to turn the wasted flow of phantom energy off when you are not at home. Rather than dive into a complete remodel, taking a one-step at a time approach may be the best way to turn your traditional house into a smart home.

How to Make Your Home Smart

The very first step is to connect to a central hub. You can use an app, like ThinQ®, where you can connect to your home hub (ie. Alexa) easily so that you can monitor and integrate your LG Connected Home.

You can start by adding any smart devices, systems and appliances into your central app. This gets all of your smart home components into your smartphone—giving you better access and visibility.

Next, as you replace old items, look for smart capabilities in your new models. Purchasing an LG ThinQ® AI enabled Mega Capacity Front Load Washer as a replacement will give you lots of washing space with AI technology features like automated detergent dispensing, intelligent load sensing and timesaving performance. You will waste less water, detergent and energy. With the ThinQ® connection, you will be able to control the washing machine cycle from anywhere, as well as getting alerts if there are any issues with your load.

Smart technology increases efficiencies while putting the control into the palm of your hand, but it does not end there. Your home app can work with Google Home Assistant and Amazon Echo (Alexa); you will be able to control everything hands-free. Yep, you even get safe access to your home while you are driving.

Your smart home should be as easy to operate as possible. Smarter does not mean it should feel more complicated. Everything connects from your smart hub right back to your home with the incredible convenience of Bluetooth technology.

The Benefits of AI in Your Home

There are so many benefits to having a smarter home. Once you integrate smart home technology, you can start saving time and resources. You will have access to more features. Here are just a few of the top benefits:

Smart Technology Supports Energy Efficiency

Probably the best-known feature for smart technology is the benefit of saving resources with energy efficient tech. You can set vacation mode for your power usage, refrigerator and thermostat. You will have the ability to turn smart items on and off remotely—like your icemaker or oven.

Smart Technology Gives You More Control

Technology gives access to more settings through automated intelligence. With a smart dishwasher, you can select from different cycle options to save water, save time or power clean a tough load. Helping you optimally clean and dry your clothing. You can monitor your device and power usage as well.


You get a lot of control in one little app, including access to information about your home.

Smart Technology Sends You Time-Saving Alerts

Smart homes help you remember to buy more laundry detergent or to start the dry cycle for the clothes. You can also receive laundry cycle alerts on your television to notify when laundry is complete.


Your smart oven will have a preheat function lets you know when the oven is prepared or let you know when the dishwasher has finished.

Smart Technology Connects with Evolved Smart Appliances

New technology works to improve the processes for better results. Washing machines will use AI to determine cycles that are designed to optimize the life of your clothes. Smart refrigerators can create Craft Ice™ for slow-melting spheres ideal for hosting and cocktail hour.

Smart Technology Sends Important Security Notifications

Forgetting something, like leaving the front door open or the oven on, can lead to serious consequences. Smart technology helps protect what you care for. It can notify you if the oven is left on, or your smart refrigerator will send you a ThinQ® notification if the door is open—helping you keep the contents fresh. Out of the home and can’t remember if you left the stovetop on or the front door locked? With smart technology, you can check—and then turn off the stove or lock the door if needed!

AI in Your Home Creates Better Experiences

From your high definition TV to your surround sound system, there is a lot you can do to make your experiences more immersive. The new OLED-AI image recognition technology improves picture quality for a depth you may have never experienced before. You can automatically set up specific smart features so when you voice-activate an established event setting, like “happy hour,” the lights and speaker system turn on, while the selected music starts playing.


Don’t let the options overwhelm you. Go one-step at a time and only bring in the technology that would make your own personal experience a little easier. Life’s good. We are here to make it better.