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Life is good when music fills your soul


Life is good when music fills your soul

Before the IFA kicks-off, LG decided to arrive in Berlin a few days earlier and give you a glimpse of some of the gems hidden in this amazing city.

Berlin is known for many crazy things, but karaoke is typically not one of them. Nevertheless, every Sunday (when it’s really a sun-day and not rain-day) Berlin hosts the biggest and most epic karaoke event in one of the city’s biggest parks—Mauerpark.

Life is good when music fills your soul

So, this Sunday we had to go see and hear what all the fuss is about!  But since the karaoke doesn’t start before 3pm, we decided to treat ourselves to a nice lunch at Berlin Mitte. Berlin Mitte is known for having the finest cuisine in the city. Prominent Chefs choose that area to open their restaurants and amaze the most demanding of taste buds with their signature tasting menus.



Satisfied and ready to feel like a rock star we head to Mauerpark. Although Mauerpark is about 10 hectares in size, so lets just say, finding the karaoke is not difficult. There are literally thousands of people gathered around an improvised stage with a boom-box, a bicycle and a pink sun umbrella.



The atmosphere is unique. Everyone is cheering, laughing and singing along. There is no room for embarrassment, shyness or even stage fright.  As soon as someone grabs the mic, they immediately transform into a star capable of galvanising the crowd. It is just a crazy and somehow a contagious vibe.



With every new person that jumps on stage to belt out a tune, we feel the urge to take the stage ourselves, it would rude not to – right? There’s no more turning back now.

Life is good when music fills your soul

As the song’s first chords ring out, I close my eyes and just let the music carry me. Before I know it, I’m jumping, dancing and scringing (that’s a new style of music, which mixed singing with screaming). The crowd starts singing along and we start feeling like a bonafide popstar. We are surrounded by good vibes and as we gain more confidence and courage, we get louder and crazier.



Sooner than we hoped, the song is over and we proudly go back to the audience, which receives us with the biggest applause we’ve ever received. It’s nearly impossible to describe such a heart-warming feeling. Suffice to say, it is an experience everyone needs to have.



The karaoke over, there is only one thing to do.  Quickly go through our friends contacts and invite everyone over for a Karaoke party. All that’s needed is a couple cheesy and carefully chosen video clips, the LG Soundbar SJ9 Dolby Atmos for that 360º stage feeling and a ton of good vibes!


Life's Good!

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