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LG PuriCare 空氣清淨機故障排除

LG PuriCare Air Purifier Tower Troubleshooting
Show Script


LG PuriCare 空氣清淨機故障排除

  • The LG air purifier was created to give you a quiet yet powerful way to remove air pollutants in your home.

  • LG空氣淨化器的創建旨在為您提供安靜而強大的方式來清除家裡的空氣污染物

  • With this visual display and control panel, you can see the quality of your air and adjust settings based on your preferences.

  • 通過此可視顯示和控制面板,您可以查看空氣質量並根據自己的喜好調整設置。

  • This video will address your troubleshooting needs if you run into any problems with your product.If your air output is weak and the air purifier makes a noise, it's possible that the pre-filter is clogged or dust accumulated on it.

  • 如果您的產品遇到任何問題,此視頻將滿足您的故障排除需求。如果空氣輸出微弱並且空氣淨化器發出噪音,則預過濾器可能堵塞或灰塵堆積在其上。

  • To solve this, clean and replace the pre-filter.

  • 要解決此問題,請清潔並更換預過濾器。

  • If there's an odor coming from the air purifier, it's possible that there is too much heavy smoke or odors in the area.

  • 如果空氣淨化器發出異味,則該區域可能有過多的濃煙或異味。

  • To solve this problem ventilate the area.

  • 要解決此問題,請為區域通風。

  • Another possible cause is that the deodorizing filter is dirty and reached his life expectancy.

  • 另一個可能的原因是除臭過濾器變髒並達到了預期壽命。

  • If that's the case, replace it with the new filter.

  • 在這種情況下,請更換新的過濾器。

  • Another possible cause is that the air purifier is being used to remove cooking odors instead of a vented.

  • 另一個可能的原因是空氣淨化器是用來清除烹飪氣味的,而不是用來排出的。

  • Avoid this problem by not using the air purifier in place of a vent hood.

  • 通過不使用空氣淨化器代替通風櫥來避免此問題。

  • If your air quality light indicator is showing right continuously, the cause might be that water or oil is frayed near the air purifier or that a humidifier is too close to it.

  • 如果空氣質量指示燈持續正確顯示,則可能是由於水或油在空氣淨化器附近磨損或加濕器太靠近了。

  • As a solution, avoid spraying water or oil near the air purifier or placing a humidifier too close.

  • 作為解決方法,避免在空氣淨化器附近噴水或註油,或將加濕器放置在太近的位置。

  • The air quality indicator detects both odor and dust.

  • 空氣質量指示器可同時檢測到氣味和灰塵。

  • If an odor is strong and particle matter levels are low, the light may remain on red or orange.

  • 如果氣味強烈而顆粒物含量低,則指示燈可能會保持紅色或橙色。

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