Connected Home

Connected Home

What is a Smart Home Hub and How to Create One

Smart homes are not all the same. Even the definition of what a smart home is can differ, depending on individual mindset. In general, most would agree that a smart home is one that includes time, energy and cost-saving technology designed to make living easier, better, safer, more economical and more fun


Beyond those basics, the possibilities are almost endless.


The digital age has ushered in a wide range of ideas and devices that are easily adaptable for use in the home or on the move. Smart home technology allows such devices to communicate with one another -- across the street, down the block or from the other side of the globe -- and to keep homeowners informed about what is happening at home.


In addition, a smart home system allows owners to enjoy their home environment in ways that were only dreams as recently as two decades ago. In the mid-1990's, the first smart homes had dedicated equipment rooms, miles of wiring, and they came with a high price tag. Today, the development of new options is expanding almost daily. Audio-video devices constitute the majority smart home technology, followed by home networking, home security, and energy-saving devices like smart thermostats.


By 2024, the estimate is that the fastest-growing segment of the market -- voice assistants -- will be double what it is today in 2020.


The first smart homes designed originally to monitor and control a home's heating and air conditioning and to facilitate home security and entertainment systems, required professional planning, installation and upkeep, and a remote monitoring service. It was complicated. Today, smart home devices require little more than opening a box, adding a password and charging a battery. Connection and integration are simple, inexpensive and relatively painless.

What is a Smart Home Hub?


Although many smart devices operate directly through a home's Wifi network, others may be voice-activated, need a handheld remote or require installation of a cell phone app.


While some home functions, such as temperature, lighting, security systems and monitoring devices, can either be pre-programmed or are designed to communicate easily with a mobile phone, devices of different manufacturers might operate on different protocols and will not normally "speak" to one another. Installing a home hub that is compatible with a variety of devices is a practical solution.


Voice-controlled systems like Google Nest hub or Amazon's Alexa both use WiFi for connectivity, and add a new layer of convenience. They will connect to a variety of available apps and enable customization. Smart technology promises to expand home enjoyment and efficiency, so you might want to begin to prepare for that new world now.


How to Create a Smart Home Hub


A smart home hub helps to consolidate and coordinate the operation of your various smart devices; it is the "command center" to manage and control the devices that personalize your lifestyle.


In general, you will probably want to consider a smart home hub if you want to streamline the overall functionality of various devices. A flexible hub can save you time, effort, frustration, and allow you to automate your home's operation in a way that makes sense for the way you live.

The LG ThinQ® is an innovative home hub technology that can be accessed through your mobile device or LG Smart TV. It will respond to voice commands, may be connected with devices in other locations to simultaneously control home functions such as landscape lighting, appliance operation and the volume of your patio music system, among many other options.

Choose the Smart Appliances to Connect to Your Hub


If you are considering a smart refrigerator or are interested in a smart laundry pair, LG is a leader in innovation that will enhance your lifestyle and enrich your home living experiences. Among the smart appliances that you can choose for your connected house are an LG InstaView ThinQ® Door-in-Door® Refrigerator with Craft IceAir Fry InstaView ThinQ® Electric RangeLG OLED TV w/ThinQ® AIQuadWash® Dishwasher with TrueSteam ThinQ®, LG ThinQ® AI enabled washer and dryer, and, of course, mobile phones. With ThinQ® technology that integrates AI into everyday activities, you will be better able to accomplish your goals and enjoy your life.